Toward the achieve both environmental and economic,
"Environmental model city to be proud, Matsuyama"

Matsuyama City is located in the center of Ehime Prefecture, and is a city boasted about nationwide, blessed with the warm climate of the Seto Inland Sea and rich history and culture.
We list 4 policies - the "Matsuyama Sunshine Project," that takes advantage of the climate characteristics of warmth and long sunlight hours; "Healthy City where People Enjoy Walking," that is conscious of a low-carbon environment, such as the Matsuyama Station area land readjustment project; "Smart Community," a community that is suitable to the region and makes effective use of resources, so that it can provide peace and vitality to the region; and a "Local Recycling System" that establishes a basis for eco-friendly behavior and limits greenhouse gas emissions - to work towards a "low carbon society." In addition, with the cooperation of everyone such as citizens, businesses and universities, we utilize intellectual resources.


※Please note some linked pages are available only in Japanese.


Informations Of Matsuyama City